
Thursday, 22 September 2011

Credit Officer Recruitment in Union Bank of India

The Union Bank of India (UBI), one of the leading Public Sector Banks in India invites the applicants for the Recruitment of 450 posts of Credit Officer under scale MMGS-III. Candidates aspiring and eligible for the recruitment can apply online on/before the last date, ie 1st October, 2011.

Posts Details: 
Name of the post: Credit Officer
Number of vacancies: 450 posts (SC-68, ST-37, OBC-129, UR-216), 
Age Limits: Applicant should be between 21 to 40 years.
Pay Scale: Rs. MGS III scale Rs.7200/- to Rs.19300/-.

Applications Fee: 
Applicants are requested to deposit an application fee of Rs.300/- for General and OBC candidates (Rs.50/- for other candidates candidates) at any Union Bank of India branch in India in cash with the Application Fee Challan. Candidates are also requested to keep the counterfoil copy with themselves for future use.

How to Apply: 
Candidates can apply online on the official website of Union Bank of India. After registration, the candidates should take two print outs of the registration slip. Candidates should not send any copy or form to bank and keep the copy with themselves for any future use.


For more details visit