
Sunday, 22 July 2012

Oriental Bank Officer Probationary and Agriculture vacancy July-2012

Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC)
(A Government of Indian Undertaking)
Corporate Office, Plot No. 5, Sector - 32, Institutional Area, Gurgaon– 122001, Haryana 

Oriental Bank of India (OBC), a leading public sector bank invites Online Applications from Indian citizens for followingposts in Officer Cadre in JMGS-I scale from those candidates who have appeared in the Common Written Examination for Probationary Officers/Management Trainees conducted by IBPS in 2011 & for Specialist Officers conducted by IBPS in March 2012 and should be holding a valid score card issued by IBPS: 
  • Probationary Officer (PO) : 325 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.14500-25700, Age : 21-30 years as on 01/07/2011 
  • Agriculture Officer (AO) : 100 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.14500-25700, Age : 21-30 years as on 01/07/2011
Application Fee : Rs. 100/- (Rs. 20/- for SC/ST/PH/Ex-SM) to be deposited at any of the branch of the Oriental Bank of Commerce only from 10/07/2012 to 28/07/2012

How To Apply: Apply online. Online application will be open from 10/07/2012 to 28/07/2012 at OBC  website.

Details are available at 

IDBI Bank Assistant-Manager-Grade-A Posts July-2012

Industrial Development Bnk of India (IDBI Bank)
IDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai- 400005

IDBI Bank, a new generation fully computerised banking company having majority share holding by Government of India. IDBI Bank Ltd., invites on-line applications for the post of Assistant Manager - Grade ‘A’ from eligible and suitable applicants who have taken the 1st Common Written Examination (CWE) for Probationary Officers conducted by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) advertised in July 2011.

  • Assistant Manager - Grade ‘A’ : 500 posts (UR-253, OBC-135, SC-75, ST-37) (PH-15), Age : 20-30 years as on 01/07/2012, Pay Scale : Rs.14400-40900
Application Fee : Rs.100/-(Rs.20/- for SC/ST/PWD/Ex.SM) payable cash in any branch of IDBI Bank or in SBI through a payment voucher.

How to Apply : Apply Online at IDBI website from26/07/2012 to 09/08/2012 only. The print out of the system generated application should be kept by the candidate to be preseneted at the time of interview.
Kindly visit for details and link to online submission of application from 26/07/2012 onwards.

RRCAT Stipendiary Trainee vacancy July-2012

Government of India
Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT)
Indore-452013 (MP)

Applications are invited for Stipendiary Trainees (Category I & II) for training in Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore :
  • Stipendiary Trainees  Category -I : 21 posts (Physics-8, Mathematics-5, Electronics/Instrumentation -4, Electrical-4), Age : 19-24 years, Stipend : Rs.9300/- per month, will be posted in pay scale of Rs. Rs.9300- 34800 with grade pay Rs.4200/-
  • Stipendiary Trainees  Category -II : 15 posts (Electronics/ Instrumentation -5, Fitter-5, Electrical-5), Age : 18-22 years, Stipend : Rs.6200/- per month for 1st year Rs.7200-/ per month for 2nd year, will be posted in pay scale of  Rs.5200- 20200 with grade pay Rs.2400/- and Rs.2000/-
Selection by Written Test

How to Apply :  The application in the prescribed format (OR you can apply Online at RRCAT website and take a printout and send it) in an envelope superscribed as "Application for the Post No.___ of Category I/ Category II against Advertisement No. RRCAT-3/2012"  with copy of certificates and testimonials should be send to Administrative Officer-III, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, PO: CAT, Indore- 452013 so as to reach him on or before 10/08/2012.

Please visit  for details and application format offline and online

AAI Kolkata Jr Assistant Fire Service Vacancy 2012

Airport Authority of India (AAI) 
Regional Office (Eastern), Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolkata -52

Applications are invited from the candidates  for the following posts in Eastern Region in AAI at Kolkata :
  • Jr. Assistant (Fire Service) :  72 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.12500-28500, Age : 18-30 years as on 30/07/2012
How to Apply : Candidates fulfilling the above conditions may submit their application in Hindi/English as per the following prescribed format addressed to The Regional Executive Director (Eastern Region), Airports Authority of India, New Operational Building, NSCBI Airport, Kolkata-700052 (The envelop should superscribe the category and the post applied for) along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- drawn in favour of Airports Authority of India, payable at Kolkata so as to reach on or before 30/07/2012. SC/ST candidates are exempted from payment of fees.

Further details and Application  format is available at and corrigendum about date extension is available at 

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) 
Bays No. 67-70, Sector-2, Panchkula-134151

Advt. No. 02/2012 

Applications are invited through Registered Post by Haryana SSC for the under mentioned posts on the prescribed application form. The candidates should specify on the top of the envelope the word - Advt. No., Name and Category of the post applied for. These posts are in various departments/ boards/ sections of Haryana Government : 

  • Auditors : 32 posts in Food & Supplies Department
  • Junior Engineer (Mechanical) : 12 posts in Public Works Department (B&R Branch)
  • Assistant Public Relations Officer : 06 posts in Information, Public Relations & Cltral Affairs Department
Fee: Fee at the following rates should be deposited in the Haryana Govt. Treasury under the head "0051 - H.P.S.C.-(103)-Staff Selection Commission, Haryana- Application fee and other receipts"
  1. General- Rs.150/- 
  2. SC/BC/ ESM/ PH candidates of Haryana- Rs.35/- 
  3. No concession of fee for SC/BC/ESM from other states.
Candidates from outside will be treated as General and should send fee by Postal Order which should be in the favour of "Secretary, Haryana Staff Selection Commission" payable Panchkula.

Reservation and Age relaxation as per Govt. orders.

How to apply : Application forms complete in all respect - only one form should be filled by the candidate - in their own handwriting in capital letters and signed in the specified space should be sent only through Registered Post to theSecretary, Haryana Staff Selection Commission, Bay No 67-70, Sector-2, Panchkula-134151. All the column of the application form should be filled in. The last date is26/07/2012.

Please  visit for more details and application form.

Constable Tradesman in Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)

Applications are invited from male Indian citizens fulfilling the eligibility criteria for recruitment to the following posts of Constable Tradesman in SSB :

  • Constable Tradesman : posts in various trades, Pay Scale : PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200 GP Rs.2000, Age : 18-23 years as on 09/08/2012. 
    1. CT (Cook) : 490 posts
    2. CT (Washer man) : 367 posts
    3. CT (Barber) : 38 posts
    4. CT (Safaiwala) : 262 posts
    5. CT (Water Carrier) : 211 posts
    6. CT (Waiter) :  42 posts
    7. CT (Carpenter) : 27 posts
    8. CT (Painter) : 23 posts
    9. CT ( Tailor) : 19 posts
    10. CT ( Cobbler) : 37 posts
    11. CT ( Gardener) : 08  posts
Application Fee : Application fee will be Rs. 50/-  for candidates belonging to General and OBC categories in favour of “Accounts Officer, FTR HQ, SSB, Patna, Bihar ” payable at Patna. 

How to Apply : Eligible and desirous candidates should send their applications in the prescribed proforma with attested passport size photographs duly affixed on the application form and admit card and duly completed in all respect on or before09/08/2012 to The Inspector General, FTR HQ (SSB), Patna, Rukanpura House, Baily Road, Patna (Bihar)-800014.  (Last date is 16/08/2012 for the candidates from far-flung areas)

Please see the document for detailed information and application form.

Govt Jobs for Nurse, Staff Nurse Vacancy in 2012.

Several openings are available as nurses in the government sector.

Eligibility :
Eligibility for nursing jobs is usually higher secondary plus a diploma or degree in nursing. In some cases the minimum educational qualification may be decreased to matriculation with a degree or diploma in nursing.

Age limit: 21-35 years (For  SC, ST, OBC, PH, OH or government employees the age limit is 18-40 years)
Salary:  9000 - 35000 INR + Grade pay of 4600 INR

How to Apply: 
Process of applying differs in most of the cases. You need to be a registered nurse to be able to apply for the post of a nurse. Application can be sent either by downloading forms from the respective websites of a government hospital or state government; or by sending a simple application on an A4 size paper. You might be asked to affix passport size photograph and submit a DD or money order of 200 INR as application fee. The application fee may be levied in certain central government nursing jobs. In certain cases you might be required to send a copy of your certificates when applying.


Applications are invited for Short Service Commission (SSC) Officer in Air Force in Meteorological Branch for the Courses commencing July 2013 

Indian Air Force invites applications  from Male and Female candidates to join in the Air Force for grant of Short Service Commission in Meteorological Branch for the course commencing July 2013  :
  • 43rd SSC Meteorological  for Female 
  • 27th SSC Meteorological for Men
  • 134th Ground Duty Officers Course (GDOC) for Permanent Service Commission  for Men
 Age : 20-25  years as on 01/07/2013

Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.5400 plus Rs.6000/- MSP and other allownaces

 How to Apply :  If you meet the requirements, apply on plain A4 size paper (typed or hand writen) in English in the prescribed format and post the application to the addressAFCAT Cell, Post Bag No. 001,  Nirman Bhawan Post Office, New Delhi - 110106 by ordinary post to reach latest by 31/08/2012.  (07/09/2012 for the candidates from far-flung areas)
Please visit Meteorological Branch Recruitment section  at the Left Side Bar at Indian Air Force website for details and application format.