
Sunday, 12 August 2012

Bank of Maharashtra CA vacancy Aug-2012

Bank of  Maharashtra
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
HRD Department, Lokmangal, 1051, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411005

Chartered Accountant Recruitment - 2012

Bank of Maharashtra invites invites Online applications, for  Specialists Officers in the following Disciplines :
  • Chartered Accountant : 30 posts (UR-16,OBC-8,SC-4,ST-2), Pay Scale : MMGS-III Rs. 25700 - 31500, Age : 25-35 years
Application Fee : Rs. 300/- (Rs.50/- for reserve category)  to be paid in the CBS branches of Bank of Maharashtra by a Challan  or by Online payment through NEFT only. 

How to Apply : Apply online at Bank of Maharashtra website from 06/08/2012 to 21/08/2012 only.  

Please view  for details and payment challan and visit to apply online. 

Coporation Bank Specialist Officer vacancy Aug-2012

Corporation Bank 
(A govt. of India enterprise) 
Corporate Office: P.B. No. 88, Mangaladevi Temple Road, Pandeshwar, Mangalore - 575001

Corporation Bank, a leading Public Sector Bank, invitesOnline applications from Indian Citizens for following 170 posts of  Specialist Officers :-

For those who have valid score card of CWE conducted by  IBPS for Probationary Officers/ Management Trainees in 2011-12  :
    1. Personnel Officer : 10 posts, Pay Scale : JMGS-I Rs.14500-25700/-, Age : 20-30  years 
    2. Official Language Officer : 15 posts, Pay Scale : JMGS-I Rs.14500-25700/-, Age : 20-30  years  
    3. Information Technology (Computer) Officer : 50 posts, Pay Scale : JMGS-I Rs.14500-25700/-, Age : 20-30  years 
    4. Agriculture Field Officer : 175 posts, Pay Scale : JMGS-I Rs.14500-25700/-, Age : 20-30  years  
    5. Law Managers : 11 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 35  years 
    Following Specialist Officer posts are direct i.e. candidates without IBPS exam score cards can apply - 
    1. Junior Economist : 01 post, Pay Scale : Pay Scale : Pay Scale : JMGS-I Rs.14500-25700/-, Age : 20-30  years    
    2. Economist : 01 post, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 20-30  years 
    3. Architect : 02 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 20-35  years
    4. Civil Engineers : 07 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 20-35  years
    5. Electrical Engineers : 07 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 35  years
    6. Risk Manager : 06 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 35  years
    7. Security Manager : 13 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 45  years
    8. Forex Manager : 30 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 35  years
    9. Credit Manager : 100 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 35  years 
    10. Company Secretary : 01 post, Pay Scale : MMGS-III Rs. 25700-31500/-, Age : 35  years
    11. Information Security Auditors : 02 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-III Rs. 25700-31500/-, Age : 35  years

    Application Fee : Rs.200/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PH candidates) for the direct market posts from sl. no. 6-16 and Rs.100/-  for the posts no. 1-5 (Rs.20/- for SC/ST/PH candidates) to be paid by a challan form in any branch of the Corporation bank.

    How to Apply : Apply Online only at Corporation bank website from 07/08/2012 to 23/08/2012

    Kindly visit Careers section at Corporation Website at  for Detailed information and link to online submission of Application.

    CISF Para-Medical Staff jobs Aug-2012

    (Ministry of Home Affairs)

    Recruitment  of Para Medical Staff  in CISF 

    Applications are invited from Male/Female Indian citizens for filling up the following
    121 vacancies of Para Medical Staff in CISF : 
      1. ASI (Pharmacist) : 21 posts (Male-14, Female-7), Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 2800/-
      2. Constable (Nursing Assistant) : 93 posts  (Male-62, Female-31), Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 2000/-
      3. Constable (Ward Boy) : 04 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 2000/-
      4. Constable (Ward Girl - Ayyah) : 03 posts  (Male-62, Female-31), Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 2000/-
      Application Fee: Fee of Rs.50/- for Gen/OBC candidates only in the form of Postal Order drawn in favour of the respective officers where to be applied.

      How to Apply: Candidates who fulfil the criteria may submit their application on the prescribed proforma to any of the listed address as provided in the detailed advertisement.

      Last Date : The last date of receipt of the application is14/09/2012. 

      For further details and application form format, please view

      UPSC CAPF Assistant Commandant Examination 2012

      Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
      Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi - 110069 

      Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) (Assistant Commandants) Examination , 2012
      The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold a written Examination on 11th November 2012 for recruitment of 401 posts (BSF-94, CRPF-223, CISF-44, ITBP-26, SSB-14) of Assistant Commandants (Group A) in the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) viz BSF, CRPF, CISF, ITBP and SSB.
      • Age : Not less than 20 years and not more than 25 years as on 1st August, 2012. The upper age is relaxable for SC/ST/OBC and certain other categories of candidates to the extent specified in the Notice.
      • Educational Qualification: Bachelor's degree of any recognised university or an equivalent qualification.
      • Physical Standards: Candidates must be physically fit according to the Regulations given in notice.
      • Sex : Both male and female candidates are eligible for appointment to CRPF and CISF. However, only male candidates are eligible for appointment to BSF, ITBP and SSB.
      • Possession of NCC B or C Certificate will be a desirable qualification. The desirable qualifications will be given consideration at the time of Interview/ Personality Test only.
      • Pay Scale : PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs.5400/-
      Selection Procedure : Selection will be based on the basis of a written examination to be conducted on 11/11/2012 by the UPSC followed by Physcial Standards/ Physical Efficiency Test and Medical Standards Test to be conducted by the Miistry of Home Affairs and the Personality Test/ Interview to be conducted by UPSC.
      Application Form: Candidates are required to apply Online at UPSC website, however for certain candidates, offline facility is available and these candidates must apply in the Common Application Form devised by the Commission for its examinations, which can be purchased from the designated Head Post Offices/ Post offices throughout the country against cash payment of Rs. 30/- only.
      Fee: Rs.200/- (SC/ST/Women candidates are exempted) to be deposited in Branches of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of SBI, State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur/ State Bank of Hyderabad/ State Bank of Mysore / State Bank of Patiala/ State Bank of Travancore or by using Visa/Master Credit/Debit Card.
      How To Apply: Apply Online at UPSC website upto 27/08/2012.
        Candidates can obtain details of the examination at and instructions etc. 

        Army SSC Officer Technical Apr-2013 Entry


        Recruitment for 40th SSC (Technical) Men and  11th SSC (Technical) Women  (April 2013)

        Applications are invited from Engineering Graduates male Indian citizens for  Short Service Commission (SSC) (Technical) course in the Indian Army :
        • 40th SSC (Technical) for Men :  52 posts in various Engineering streams, Age : 20-27 years
        • 11th SSC (Technical) Women : 35 posts in various Engineering streams, Age : 20-27 years
        • Widows of Defence Personnel : 02 posts, Age : 19-29/20-31 years
        • Pay Scale : PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.5400 and MPS Rs.6000/-
        How to Apply:  Apply Online at Army recruitment website from 01/08/2012 to 31/08/2012only. Take print out of the online application format and send it with relevant documents to Application Forms in accordance with the prescribed format, colour paper and omplete in all respects is to be sent to the following address to reach by14th September, 2012 by registered post/ speed post toAdditional Directorate General of Recruiting (Rtg-6), TGC Section,  West Block-III, R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 110066.

        Further detail regarding this entry scheme can be seen at 01/08/2012 onwardsalong with a link to apply online at Officer's-->How to Apply-->ONLINE APPLICATION

        Veterinary posts in SSB Aug-2012

        Government of India Directorate General “Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)
        (Ministry of Home Affairs)

        Applications are invited from male Indian citizens fulfilling the eligibility criteria for recruitment to the following Veterinary posts in SSB :
        1. Head Constable (Veterinary) : 68 posts, Pay Scale :  PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200 + GP Rs.2400/-
        2. Constable (Veterinary) : 50 posts, Pay Scale : PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200 + GP Rs.2000
            Application Fee : Application fee will be Rs. 50/-  for candidates belonging to General and OBC categories in favour of  the authorities as defined in the detailed advt. No fee will be charged from SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen.

            How to Apply : Eligible and desirous candidates should send their applications in the prescribed proforma with attested passport size photographs duly affixed on the application form and admit card and duly completed in all respect on or before15/09/2012.  (Last date is 22/09/2012 for the candidates from far-flung areas) to Inspector General, Frontier HQ SSB, Siliguri Vill: Ranidanga, PO:
            Matigara, Distt: Darjeeling, (WB) - 734 010

            Please see the document for detailed information and application form.

            Technical cadre posts in SSB Aug-2012

            Government of India Directorate General “Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)
            (Ministry of Home Affairs)

            Applications are invited from male Indian citizens fulfilling the eligibility criteria for recruitment to the following  posts in SSB :
            1. Sub-Inspector (Pioneer) :  32 posts,  Pay Scale : PB-II Rs. 9300-34800 + GP 4200 
            2. Head Constable (Electrician) : 32 posts for male only, Pay Scale :  PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200 + GP Rs.2400/-
            3. Head Constable (Workshop) : 184 posts for male only, Pay Scale :  PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200 + GP Rs.2400/-
                Application Fee : Application fee will be Rs. 50/-  for candidates belonging to General and OBC categories in favour of  the authorities as defined in the detailed advt. No fee will be charged from SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen.

                How to Apply : Eligible and desirous candidates should send their applications in the prescribed proforma with attested passport size photographs duly affixed on the application form and admit card and duly completed in all respect on or before31/08/2012.  (Last date is 07/09/2012 for the candidates from far-flung areas) to The Inspector General, Frontier HQ, SSB Lucknow, Sankalp
                Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Plot No. TC/35-V-2, Gomati Nagar, Lucknow (UP) - 226 010

                Please see the document for detailed information and application form.

                Haryana Postal Circle posts Aug-2012

                Department of Posts, India Office of the Chief Postmaster GeneralHaryana Postal Circle 

                Recruitment of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants/ Postal Assistants Savings Bank Control Orgnisation    in Haryana  Postal Circle 

                Applications  in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for recruitment for the posts of Postal Assistants/ Sorting Assistants for different offices in Haryana Postal Circle. 

                1. Postal Assistants : 118 posts in various divisions
                2. Sorting Assistants : 26 posts
                3. Postal Assistants : 06 posts in Saving Bank Control Organisation
                Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2400
                Age : 18-27 years with relaxation to reserved category candidates.

                Qualification : Pass in 10+2 or 12th with English as a compulsory subject with 60% marks (55% for OBC and 45% for SC/ST) and should have studied the Hindi Language as a subject at the least upto Matriculation or equivalent.

                Application Form : Application form is available for sale across the counters of all Head Post Offices of Haryana on payment of Rs.50/- (in cash).

                Application Fee : Rs.200/- to be deposited in the post offices where candidate want to apply.  Women/ SC/ST/ PH candidates are exempted from the fee.

                How to Apply : Application has to be send  with application fee to "Direct Recruitment Cell, New Delhi HO, New Delhi - 110001" by Registered Post/ Speed Post only, so as to reach on or before 01/10/2012 (last date is 11/10/2012 for the candidates from far-flung areas).

                Please visit or click on the image to view/download the details. 

                Postal Assistant Punjab Circle posts Aug-2012

                Department of Posts, India Office of the Chief Postmaster GeneralPunjab Postal Circle 

                Recruitment of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants/ Postal Assistants Savings Bank Control Orgnisation    in Punjab  Postal Circle 

                Applications  in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for recruitment for the posts of Postal Assistants/ Sorting Assistants for different offices in Punjab Postal Circle.

                1. Postal Assistants : 81 posts in various divisions
                2. Sorting Assistants : 10 posts in RMS Division
                3. Postal Assistants : 02 posts in Saving Bank Control Organisation
                Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2400
                Age : 18-27 years with relaxation to reserved category candidates.

                Qualification : Pass in 10+2 or 12th with English as a compulsory subject with 60% marks (55% for OBC and 45% for SC/ST) and should have studied the Hindi Language as a subject at the least upto Matriculation or equivalent.

                Application Form : Application form is available for sale across the counters of all Head Post Offices of Punjab on payment of Rs.50/- (in cash).

                Application Fee : Rs.200/- to be deposited in the post offices where candidate want to apply.  Women/ SC/ST/ PH candidates are exempted from the fee.

                How to Apply : Application has to be send  with application fee to "Direct Recruitment Cell, New Delhi HO, New Delhi - 110001" by Registered Post/ Speed Post only, so as to reach on or before 01/10/2012 (last date is 11/10/2012 for the candidates from far-flung areas).

                Please visit or click on the image to view/download the details. 

                Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)

                Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)
                Ajmer (Rajasthan)
                RPSC invites Online application for the following  posts in Medical Education Department of  Rajasthan Government : 
                    • Assistant Professor (Tuberculosis and Respiratory Medicine/ Pulmonary Medicine) : 07posts 
                    • Assistant Professor (Psychiatry) 11 posts
                         Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 AGP Rs.6600/-

                        Age : 37 years as on 01/01/2013.

                        Application Fee : Rs. 350/- (Rs. 250/- for OBC and Rs.150/- for SC/ST) plus Rs.40/- online portal charges.  

                        How to Apply : Apply Online at RPSC website on or before22/08/2012 12.00 midnight. 

                        Information : For complete information please view and  apply online at

                        Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

                        Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)  
                        Shahjahan Road, Dhopur House, New Delhi – 110069 

                         Advertisement No. 08/2012
                        UPSC invites Online application by 30/08/2012 for following  various posts in various Government of India Ministries and Departments in the prescribed format. The posts are :
                        1. Economic Officer : 04 posts in Directorate of Economics and Statistics,  M/o Agriculture
                        2. Junior Interpreter (Persian Language) : 01 post in, M/o External Affairs 
                        3. Junior Interpreter (Spanish Language) : 01 post in, M/o External Affairs
                        4. Assistant Engineer (Wireless) re-designated as Assistant Engineer (Communication) : 05 posts in Central Water Commission, M/o Water Resources 
                        Fee payable is Rs.50/- in the shape of Central Recruitment Fee Stamp only. (fee exempted for SC/ ST/ PH/ Women candidates)

                        How to Apply : Candidates should apply Online at UPSC website on or before 30/08/2012 and the print out of the system generated application should be send to the Joint Secretary (Recruitment), Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi - 110069, on or before 13/09/2012.
                        For Details of posts, qualification, instructions and application format relating to Advt. No. 08/2012, please visit UPSC web site at

                        Department of Posts, India Office of the Chief Postmaster General

                        Recruitment of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants/ Postal Assistants Savings Bank Control Orgnisation    in Himachal Pradesh Postal Circle 

                        Applications  in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for recruitment for the posts of Postal Assistants/ Sorting Assistants for different offices in Himachal PradeshPostal Circle. 

                        • Postal Assistants: 97 posts in various divisions
                          Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2400
                          Age : 18-27 years with relaxation to reserved category candidates.

                          Qualification : Pass in 10+2 or 12th with English as a compulsory subject with 60% marks (55% for OBC and 45% for SC/ST) and should have studied the Hindi Language as a subject at the least upto Matriculation or equivalent.

                          Application Form : Application form is available for sale across the counters of all Head Post Offices of Punjab on payment of Rs.50/- (in cash).

                          Application Fee : Rs.200/- to be deposited in the post offices where candidate want to apply.  Women/ SC/ST/ PH candidates are exempted from the fee.

                          How to Apply : Application has to be send  with application fee to "Direct Recruitment Cell, New Delhi HO, New Delhi - 110001" by Registered Post/ Speed Post only, so as to reach on or before 01/10/2012 (last date is 11/10/2012 for the candidates from far-flung areas).

                          Please visit or click on the image to view/download the details.