
Saturday, 5 May 2012

Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL)

ECIL a professionally managed Electronics & IT, have openings for dynamic and result-oriented young Grduate Engineers Trainee with post-training placements at ECIL Headquarters in Hyderabad or any of Zonal/ Branch/ Site Offices located across India. The areas include Design & Development, Projects, Marketing, Production, QA and Field Engineering :
  • Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) : 107 posts (SC-13, ST-10, OBC-26, UR-58)( PH-10)
    • Discipline : First Class Engineering degree with 65% marks (55% for SC/ST) in ECE, EEE, E&I, CSE, Civil & Mechanical 
    • Age : 25 years as on 30/04/2012
    • Stipend : Rs.25790/- per month, will be on contract for 3 years with consolidated pay Rs.36690/- in first years, Rs.37810/- in 2nd year and Rs.38950/- in third year.
    • Pay Scale after confirmation : Rs.16400-40500/- and after one year in Rs.20600-46500/-
    • Selection by : Written test on 10/06/2012 and Interview for selected.
Application Fee : Rs.200/- (SC/ST/PH candidates are exempted) to be deposited in SBI in a specially opened Account Number 31102144119 through a payment voucher/ challan available at ECIL website only. 

How to Apply : Please apply Online at ECIL website from 07/05/2012 14.00 hrs to 21/05/2012 16.00 hrs. After applying on-line, the candidate is required to take the print out of registered on-line application form with system generated application number for future usage. 

Details are available at and online submission of the application from 07/05/2012 onwards. Please view for details.

National Textil Corporation Ltd. (NTC)

National Textile Corporation Ltd., is looking for qualified and experienced Professionals for its Unit Mills in Southern Region : 
  1. Manager (HR) : 01 post
  2. Management Trainees (HR) : 05 posts
  3. Supervisor (Technical) : 15 posts
      Application Fee : Account Payee demand draft for Rs.300/- drawn in favour of “NATIONAL TEXTILE CORPORATION LIMITED” on any Nationalized Bank payable at Coimbatore. Candidates should mention their name and address on the reverse side of the DD. No fee is payable by SC / ST candidates and persons with disability (PWD).

      How to apply: Application in the prescribed format duly filled with prescribed fee and a set of attested photocopies of the relevant certificates and affixing passport size photograph at the space provided should be sent in a sealed cover duly superscribing the “NAME OF THE POST / CATEGORY” as the case may be so as to by 19/05/2012 at  Senior Manager (HR)-HOD, National Textile Corporation Limited, Southern Regional Office, 35-B Somasundaram Mills Road, Coimbatore-641009 Tamil Nadu

      Please view   for details and application format. 

      RITES require dynamic and result oriented professionals

      RITES require dynamic and result oriented professionals for engagement on contract basis in the following disciplines at various levels for Bangalore Metro Rail Projects :
      Structural Engineer (Tunnels), Structure Expert (Underground Works), Specification Expert (UG), Resident Engineer (E&M), Resident Engineer (E&M) (UG), Section Engineer, Elevated (Viaduct, Stations/depot), Section Engineer/Underground (Tunnel, Cut and cover/ Underground Stations), Site Inspectors (Viaduct, Stations/ Depot Buildings, Utilities), Site Inspectors (UG), Site Inspectors (E&M) (UG), Survey Expert (UG), Survey Engineer, Safety and Environment Engineer, QA/QC Engineer, Quantity Surveyor

      Walk-In- Interview :  Walk-In will conducted from 10.00 hrs onwards on 19/05/2015  at General Consultant (RITES-OC-PBI-SYSTRA), No. 50, "Vinay Chambers", 4th Floor, KH Road, Shantinagar, Bangalore- 560027.

      Please view for details.


      National Defence Academy (NDA) and Naval Academy (NA) Examination (II) - 2012

      The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold the NDA-II and Naval Academy (NA) Examination (II) , 2012 on19/08/2012 for admission to the Army, Navy and Air Force wing of the NDA for 130th Course and Naval Academy for 92nd [10+2 Executive Branch] course commencing from July 2013. Only Unmarried male candidates are eligible
      Posts : 335 (Army-195, Navy-39, Air Force - 66, Navy Academy- 55)

      • Age : Born between 2nd July, 1994 and 1st January 1997.
      • Educational Qualification
        • for Army : 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination conducted by a State Education Board or a University.
        • For Air Force, Navy and Naval Academy : 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination conducted by a State Education Board or a University with Physics and Mathematics subjects

      • Physical Standards: Candidates must be physically fit according to the Regulations given in notice.
      Fee: Rs.50/- to be deposited in any branch of SBI or Online by Net Banking Or by Credit/ Debit card.

      How To Apply: Online - Apply Online at from 05/05/2012 to 04/06/2012

      For complete information about this examination as well as information about registration of thier applications, venue of the examination and result etc. All the details of the NDA Examination can by found on the website of the UPSC at

      High Court of Gujarat

      The High Court of Gujarat invites online applications from the eligible candidates, for filling up of following posts of Civil Judge in the state of Gujarat :
        • Civil Judge : 320 posts (33 Regular + 287 Ad-hoc), Pay scale :  Rs.27700-770- 33090-930- 40530-1080- 44850 + allowances, Age : 35 years; relaxation in age as per rules, Qualification : Degree in Law from a recognised University and must be practicing as an Advocate in Courts of Civil and / or Criminal Jurisdiction. Candidates who have passed the Degree in Law from the academic year 2009-2010 and onwards must have passed the ‘All India Bar Examination’, for being considered eligible as a Practicing Advocate. OR (i) Must have worked in Courts or other allied departments for at least five years and must possess Degree in Law (Special) from a University recognized by law in India.
          Application Fee :  Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- for SC/ST/EBC/PH) to be paid in Current Bank Account No. 30725811785 with the State Bank of India, High Court Complex Branch, Ahmedabad, held in the name of Registrar General, High Court of Gujarat, Sola, Ahmedabad, through any of the Core Banking Service branches of the State Bank of India using the Cash Voucher.

          How to Apply : Apply Online at the Gujarat High Court website from 01/05/2012 to 15/05/2012.

          Please visit   for all the details and online submission of application.