
Saturday, 23 June 2012


Bharat Electronics Limited, India’s premier Navaratna Defence Electronics Company requires Electronics & Mechanical Engineers on contract basis for a period of one years, for its Naval Systems SBU at Bangalore Unit :
  • Electronics & Mechanical Engineers : 12 posts (UR-6, OBC-3, SC-1, ST-1), Pay Scale :  Rs. 16400 – 3% - 40500/-, Age : 25 years, Remuneration :  Consolidated Rs. 12000/- per month.
         How to Apply :  Apply in the prescribed format and mail the filled in application to on or before30/06/2012.

        Please view  for more information and application format is available at

        Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC)

        Combined State Engineering Services Exam-2012 by Uttarakhand PSC

        The Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) invites OMR application from Indian Citizens for Combined State Engineering Services Exam-2012 the posts Assistant Engineers in various departments of Government of Uttarakhand. : 

        • Assistant Engineer : 199 posts in the disciplines of Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical/ Agriculture in various departments, + 15 posts are increased in Panchayati Raj Department  Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-, Age : 21-35 years as on 01/07/2012 and relaxation in age as per rules.
        Application Form : OMR application forms can be had from all Head Post offices/ Sub Post offices in the districts of Uttarakhand at cost of Rs.220 (Rs.130/- for SC/ST/PWD of Uttarakhand)

        Application Form Fee :  Rs.100/- (Rs.40/- for SC/ST/PH candidates of Uttarakhand) by any bank DD/ IPO in favour of "Secretary, Uttarakhand Public Service Commission, Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar" payable at Haridwar. 

        How to Apply : Application forms in the prescribed format  completed in all respects must reach the Secretary, Uttarakhand Public Service Commission, Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar-249404 at the commission office either by registered post/ speed post or personally (by hand) up to 06-00 P.M. on or before 26/06/2012 11/07/2012.

        Kindly view  for detailed information  and syllabus etc.  Kindly see addendum.

        HAL posts for Ex-Serviceman Technician on Contract June-2012

        Hindustan Aeronautics Limited(HAL)
        HAL Corporate Office, 15/1 Cubbon Road, Bangalore - 560001 

        Applications are invited from eligible and interested candidates for the following posts for HAL Helicopter MRO Division- Helicopter Complex, Bangalore  :
          • Ex-Servicemen Technician : 14 posts (UR-6, SC-4, ST-2, OBC-2) on contract basis, Remuneration :  Rs. 22932/- per month, Qualification :  Diploma in Engineering or equivalent with a minimum of 15 years of experience in Defence Forces in any one of the trades
            Application Fee :  The application fee of Rs. 100 in the form of Demand Draft drawn on any Nationalized Bank (preferably State Bank of India) in favour of ‘HAL - Helicopter MRO Division’, payable at Bangalore. Candidates belonging to SC / ST/PWD category are exempted from payment of Application Fee. 

            How to Apply : Candidates should submit their application strictly in the prescribed format .Applications complete in all respects should reach the Chief Manager (HR ) - MRO, Helicopter MRO Division, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Helicopter Complex, Post Box No. 1796, Bangalore – 560017 on or before 31/07/2012.

            Please visit for details and application format. 

            United Bank Specialist Officer vacancy June-2012

            A Govt. of India Undertaking)
            11, Hemant Basu Sarani, Kolkata – 700001

            United Bank of India invites Online applications for the post of Agricultural Field Officers (JMG SC –I ) and Technical Officers (JMG SC I) from Indian citizens who have taken the Common Written Examination for recruitment of Specialist Officers conducted by IBPS in March 2012 and hold a valid Score card issued by IBPS,Mumbai :
            • Agricultural Field Officers :  38 posts 
            • Technical Officers (Electrical/ Civil Engineers) : 06 posts
            • Pay Scale : JMGS-I Rs.14500-25700
            • Age : 20-35 years  as on 01/12/2011
            Application Fee : Rs.100/- (Rs.20/- for SC/ST/PWD) to be deposited through CBS at any of the Branches of United Bank of India by means of a Payment challan OR (ii) Through NEFT at any Bank branch.

            How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format available at United Bank's website from 15/06/2012 to 29/06/2012 only.

            Please visit  for all the details and Online submission of application.

            THE INDIAN NAVY

            Applications are invited from unmarried MaleCandidates for Enrolment as Sailors for Artificer Apprentice (AA) - 133th Batch. Course Commencing  04 February 2013.

            Age : Candidates to be born between 01 Feb 1993 to 31 Jan 1996 (both dates inclusive)   

            Educational Qualifications : 55% or more marks in aggregate in 10+2/equivalent examination with complusary subjects Physics and Mathematics : optional subjects Chemistry/ Biology/ Computer Science.

            Pay : The Artifice Apprentices Basic Pay Band is Rs.5200-20200, Grade Pay @Rs.2000/- plus MSP @Rs. 2000/- plus ‘X’ Group Pay @Rs.1400/-

            Selection Criteria : Selection of recruits is based on the order of merit on their performance in Written test, Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and fitness in the Medical Examinations.

            How to Apply: Apply Online at Navy Website from16/06/2012 to 30/06/2012 only.   Take print out of the system generated application forms and send to the following address:

            POST BOX No.476, GOL DAK KHANA, G.P.O., NEW DELHI-110001

            Last Date : Last date of receiving the application is06/07/2012. For far-flung areas the last date is 13/07/2012.

            Please visit  for Details and Online submission of application.

            National Textil Corporation Ltd. (NTC)

            National Textile Corporation Ltd., is looking for qualified and experienced Professionals in relevant disciplines for recruitment :

            1. Dy. Gen.Manager - Finance : 02 posts
            2. Assistant /Deputy Manager - IT: 01 post
            3. Sr Manager - Engineering : 01 post
            4. Sr Manager - Weaving : 01 post
            5. Sr Manager - HR/Personnel : 01 post
            6. Sr Manager - Engineering : 01 post
            7. Manager - Finance and Accounts : 02 posts
            8. Deputy Manager - Spinning Production : 01 post
            9. Deputy Manager - Spinning Maintenance : 01 post
              Deputy Manager - Spinning Quality Control
            10. Deputy Manager - Utilities : 01 post
            11. Deputy Manager - Costing : 01 post
              Deputy Manager - Spinning Quality Control
            12. Deputy Manager - Costing : 01 post
            13. Deputy Manager - Spinning Maintenance : 01 post
            14. Deputy Manager - Weaving  : 01 post
                Application Fee : A non-refundable Account Payee demand draft for Rs. 300/- drawn in favour of National Textile Corporation Ltd. on any Nationalised Bank payable at New Delhi. No fee is payable by SC / ST candidates and other persons with disability (PWD).

                How to apply: Apply Online at NTC website from  20/06/2012to 11/07/2012. 

                Please visit  for details and apply online.

                Union Bank of India

                Union Bank of India, a Leading Listed Public Sector Bank with Head Office in Mumbai and all India representation, invites Online Applications, from qualified candidates who hold a valid score card issued by IBPS, for filling up  Vacancies in the post of Single Window Operator ‘A’/ Clerk. : 

                • Single Window Operator ‘A’/ Clerk : 1636  posts in different States of India, Pay Scale :  Rs. 8000-19300, Age : 21-28 years as on 01/08/2012
                Fee : Rs.100/- for General and OBC candidates (Rs.20/- for other candidates candidates)  to be deposited in any Union Bank of India branch in India in cash by with the Application Fee Challan. Keep counterfoil copy with your self in safe custody.

                How to Apply: Apply Online at Union Bank of India website between 19/06/2012 and 03/07/2012

                Please visit details and online submission of application.

                Irrigation and Water Resources Finance Corporation Ltd. (IWRFC)

                IWRFC invites applications for the following posts of Officers/ Managers :
                1. Manager : 03 posts
                2. Manager (Accounts) : 01 post
                3. Assistant Manager : 02 posts
                How to Apply :  Eligible candidates may send in their application in the prescribed format by post to  following address on or before 04/07/2012  (last date is  11/07/2012 for the candidates from far-flung areas)  Post Box No. DEL230502, The Times of India, 7, Bahadur Shah Jafar Marg, New Delhi - 110103 in a closed cover clearly superscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF …….….. (Post code and……… (Post applied) (mention the post code & post applied for).

                Please visit for details and application format.

                INDIAN ARMY - For NCC 'C' Certificate holders

                The Indian Army is looking for a few good Men and Women. For the best and the brighest amongst you. For men/women with intellect, idealism and courage. Applications are invited from unmarried/married male and unmarried female or widow of defence candidates for for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in the Indian Army.

                • Vacancies : 58 posts [50posts  for male and 08 posts for women (10% reserved for wards of Battle Casualties of Army only)]
                • Age : Not below 19 years and not over 25 years (not born earlier than 02 July 1988 and not later than 01 July 1994)
                • The Criteria of NCC 'C' Certificate holders to appear directly for SSB for SSC (Non-Technical) at Officers Training Academy, Chennai :(i) Educational Qualification : Degree of a recognised University or equivalent with aggregate of minimum 50% marks taking into account marks of all years. (ii) Service in NCC : Should have served for minimum two academic years in the senior Division of NCC (iii) Grading : Should have minimum of 'B' Grade in 'C' Certificate Exam of NCC.
                • Wards of Battle Casualties : Holding of NCC 'C' Certificate at the time of filling of applications not required. Wards of Battle Casualties send their applications direct to Addl. Dte. Gen of Recruiting, Recruiting NCC Entry, West Block-III, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066. A letter to the effect that the parent has been killed/ wounded/ reported missing in action issued by MP/Dte/ Respective Regimental Records and a copy of Part II Order notifying injuries and being classified as Battle Casualtieis in case of Service/Medically boarded out pers. Last date for receipt of application at Rtg Dte 15/08/2012 for this category.
                • Pay Scale & Stipend : Stipend during the period of training is Rs.21000/-. On completion they will be commissioned as Lt in the pay scale of Rs.15600-39100 wth Grade Pay 5400 and MSP Rs.6000/- and other allowances.
                • Method of Selection : All Applications in the prescribed format will be forwarded to Rtg. Directorate (NCC) through HQ DG NCC. The NCC Units/GP HQs will forward the applications to State Directorates who in turn will forward the same to Hq DG NCC. On arrival at the SSB, the Shortlisted candidates will be administered stage-1 of the two stage testing procedure.
                • Medical Examination : Candidates recommended by the SSB will go under Medical Examination by a Board of Service Medical Officers.
                How to Apply: Apply on the plain paper as per the prescribed format. Applications should be posted to the Units from where the NCC 'C' certificate has been issued. Applications of candidates serving in the Armed Forces duly counter-signed by the commanding Officer should be sent to the OC, NCC West Block- IV , R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 110066. All NCC units will forward the application to DDG, NCC of the concerned state. DDG NCC will process all applications and forward them to Dte Gen NCC.
                • Last date of receipt of application at NCC Bn/GP Hq -01/08/2012
                • Last date of receipt of application at Rtg Dte from Dte Gen NCC - 01/10/2012
                Further detail regarding this entry scheme can be seen at

                You can also use common application form available at

                Also you can click on the image on right side to view/dowload the details and application format.