
Monday, 19 September 2011



Online applications are invited for the written test to be conducted for filling up the following posts in the Punjab State Transport Society, Chandigarh, on contractual basis for initial period of one year that can be extended. The detail of no. of posts, requisite qualification and fixed salary has been mentioned against the category of posts.
Eligible applicants may personally submit online application starting from 15 September 2011 to 29 September 2011 upto 5.00 P.M. in the prescribed online format available at

  1. Name of the post: Assistant Manager, Finance
No. of posts: 1 Posts
Minimum qualifications for the post: C.A.   (Inter)   with experience   of   10 years
Age: 21 to 40 years.
Salary per month: 30,000/-

  1. Name of the post: Accountant
No. of posts: 2
Minimum qualifications for the post: C B.Com 1st Div or M.Com with experience          in accounts of 5 years.
Age: 21 to 30 years.
Salary per month: 9000/-

  1. Name of the post: Data entry Operators / assistants (for Head office at Chandigarh)
No. of posts: 5 Posts
Minimum qualifications for the post: B.C. A. -1st Div with experience of 2 years
Age: 21 to 30 years.
Salary per month: 6500/-

  1. Name of the post: Project Coordinator  
(For the following Stations: Chandigarh:  1, Ludhiana: 1, Amritsar: 1, Bathinda: 1)
No. of posts: 4 Posts
Minimum qualifications for the post: M.B.A. 1st Div with experience of 5 years.
Age: 21 to 30 years.
Salary per month: 30,000/-
Note: Post are district specific. Candidate will be from the same district. Post will be non-transferable. For Chandigarh candidate may be from Chandigarh, Mohali or Fatehgarh Sahib.

  1. Name of the post: Data entry operators (one for each district)
No. of posts: 20 Posts
Minimum qualifications for the post: B. C.A. -1st Div with experience of  2 years.
Age: 21 to 30 years.
Salary per month: 6500/-
Note: Post are district specific. Candidate    will be from the same district. Post     will   be non- transferable.

How to apply online:

1. Fill the online application form available on the website by clicking at the link Recruitment of posts in the Punjab State Transport Society.

2. The application can be filled online only till 29 September 2011 upto 5.00 P.M.

3. If by mistake the candidate has filed in wrong information, he/she can correct the information from 15 September 2011 to 29 September 2011 upto 5.00 P.M. by entering his/her registration number and password. After 29 September 2011 no editing will be done and thereafter information will be locked and no change will be acceptable/allowed.

4. Candidate has to apply through online only.

5. Fill up the form available on the site on successful submission of form candidates are required to take the print out which will have registration no printed on it and print out of the form is to be retained by the candidate for any further enquiry.

6. Every successful registration will be allotted the Registration no printed on the acknowledgement slip containing the detail of amount to be deposited by the candidate in the CDAC Mohali Application Fee Account, Current Account No. 911020028486199 (Axis Bank) mentioning registration number and name in the bank narration. 7. Thereafter the candidate shall have to report to the designated banker (Axis Bank) along with the downloaded Acknowledgement Slip cum Fee Chalan for depositing the fee.

8. In case the candidate fails to deposit the fee, his/her application shall stand automatically cancelled / rejected and shall not be considered for further processing.

9. For any problem, help can be taken from the help line no 0172-6619054-55 available during working hours.
10. Candidates are advised to vist website regularly.

11. in case Candidate unavailable to get PRINT OUT of submitted form Click on get print out again.

12. The last date for deposit of application fee is 1 October 2011.
13. The list of candidates whose fee is confirmed will be available on for candidates’ reference from 7 October 2011.

14. The candidate can download their ADMIT CARDS by visiting the website again entering his/her registration number and password (Candidates are advised not to disclose the password to any one for data security).  In case any candidate is unable to get the admit card, he/she must contact C-DAC Mohali personally or on helpline number one day ;before the said examination up to 5.00 P.M., failing which department will not be held responsible.

15. Candidates are advised to visit the website regularly for more updates and important information.

16. Candidate will be responsible for any mistakes made by him/her in the on line application form, Department shall not be responsible or liable in any way.

17. The merit list will be prepared on the basis of the written test BY GIVING

18. The venue date and time of counseling will be available on the website Candidates will not be informed individually about the result and counseling schedule.


SAIL - Bokaro Steel Plant invites applications from eligible candidates for the following post the details of which are given below:

Post: Operator-cum Technician Trainee
No of Post: 157 Posts (Mechanical 23, Electrical 33, Metallurgy 92, Electronics 09)

Age Limit (As on 01.07.11): 18 -28 years

Physical Standards-
Height: 5’1”   Weight 45 kg  
Chest: 30 inches unexpanded, 32”expanded.
Power glass (if worn): not more than +2.5 D or – 2.5D.
Color Vision: normal

UR: 76
SC: 18
ST: 44 (Including 05 backlogs)
OBC: 19(Including 01 backlog)
PH: 06*(Including 02 backlog)
*Horizontally Reserved (OH-02, HH-02 & VH-02)

Educational Qualification:
Three years full time diploma in engineering from any government recognized institution / polytechnic in the following disciplines:
  1. Mechanical
  2. Electrical
  3. Metallurgy
  4. Electronics

How to Apply:
  1. Application fees : Crossed Demand Draft of ` 200/- (Non-refundable) in favor of SAIL - Bokaro Steel Plant, payable at Bokaro Steel City for a validity period of 06 (Six) months from the date of advertisement. Application fees in any other form shall not be acceptable. (Fee exempted for SC/ST/PH/Local Displaced Persons & BSL Departmental candidates). Local Displaced Persons means whose lands were acquired for setting up Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL).

  1. Envelope should be clearly superscripted - Post applied for Operator-cum-Technician Trainee

  1. Enclosures:
a.Filled in application form in prescribed format duly signed with recent passport size photo affixed & two additional passport size photographs.

b.Crossed Demand Draft (if applicable).

c.Caste Certificate for SC/ST/OBC- non-creamy layer candidates as given in Annexure I & II (as applicable).

d.Declaration for OBC candidates that they do not belong to persons/sections (Creamy Layer) in Annexure III.

e. Proof of Date of Birth (Metric Certificate).

f. Disability certificate for PH candidates (Format at Annexure – IV).

g. Employment Exchange Registration Card.

h. Pass certificate & Mark sheet (all years) for Educational & Professional Qualifications.

i. Experience certificate showing relevant experience.

All certificates to be submitted as enclosures with application form, must be self attested.

  1. Filled in single Application form along with application fee as applicable should reach PO Box no 52, Head Post Office, Bokaro Steel City, and Jharkhand - 827001, within 08/10/2011 by ordinary post only. Incomplete applications or applications received after the last date will not be considered. Bokaro Steel Plant will not be responsible for any postal delay, wrong delivery or whatsoever in matters of correspondence. No communication in this regard will be made with the applicants.

For more detail visit: